Funktio Business Platform solves challenges such as:

1. Customer data management

The company’s operations collect a huge amount of data. This information must be accessible to everyone, accurate, and up-to-date. It should be in one place so that staff do not have to jump between different systems.

Sometimes the data source needs to be supplemented with new information, and often it is a lot of work and pain to add just one more field to the system.

2. Product data management

A product register often consists of the product name, product number, and category, a short description, and price. When the system is to be linked to a website or an online shop, the above information does not provide nearly enough information for the end customer.

The product register can be extended with images, videos, and tables. For example, a PDF brochure can also be attached to the product. In addition, various meta fields and a URL are required for search engine optimisation of the product page. This information is stored in the Product Register and published on the web service.

3. Sales process management

Sales is one of the main processes of almost every company. It must be managed well and efficiently for a company to succeed. Leads are entered into the system and are processed into an offer as information is gathered in the sales project. The information of the submitted quotation is stored in the system, where sales managers can see, for example, the quotation database and relevant KPIs.

In addition, activities related to a sales project, such as meetings, phone calls, and emails, are recorded in the system so that others in the company know what is happening on that sales project, and not just in the “desk drawer” of a single salesperson.

4. Order management

Customer orders are recorded in the system and are accompanied by the necessary contact information. An order can trigger various processes in the background: a work order for production, activation of the order view, or an email notification of a new order.

Invoice data is generated from the orders and transferred to the actual billing and accounting system for invoice delivery.

5. Contract management

It’s a good idea to bring all your different contracts together in one place. The contract will include the parties to the contract, the important dates of the contract, such as the expiry date, and possibly the products in the product register.

As the contract expiry date approaches, the system notifies the person responsible for the contract that the contract is about to expire, and they can start negotiating a new contract with the customer. The contract may also affect the customer’s pricing criteria.

6. Reference management

A company with a large number of references should record them in the system, especially when they are requested in calls for tenders.

All relevant information is stored in the system, allowing efficient retrieval for different purposes.

7. Project management

Projects can be used to manage teams of people and their tasks. Project management is used to create phases and schedules for a delivery project. Both people and tasks are assigned to the phases. Tasks can appear on people’s desktops, and reminders can be sent.

Invoices can also be attached to a project and an invoice can be scheduled to be ready for billing when, for example, a particular stage of the project is signed off.

8. Event management

If a company or organisation organises different events, whether they are larger seminars or smaller training sessions or courses, there are a lot of different moving parts involved. The event needs to be planned and budgeted for, and a decision made about the number of participants needed to organise the event. The details of the event should be published on the website and registration and payment should be linked to the online shop. Once registration is transferred from the online shop to the system, they can be managed in one place and, for example, advance materials and other reminder messages can be sent from a single system. Invoicing material can also be generated from the system.

9. Improving customer service

It makes sense to centralise the management of different customer service requests in one system. When a service request arrives, the system automatically generates a ticket that can be processed by the system. The requester can be contacted for more information and all communications are stored in one place, rather than being hidden in the email of one employee.

The system provides important information on how many service requests the company receives and the time it takes to resolve them. It also helps to identify if certain groups of customers are placing a particular burden on customer service. By identifying areas for improvement, customer service can be improved and customer satisfaction can be enhanced.

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